quinta-feira, 19 de novembro de 2009

19 de Novembro

  • Em 1724 FP J. S. Bach estreia em Leipzig a sua Sacred Cantata BWV No. 26 Ach wie flüchtig, ach wie nichtig".

  • 1ºMov.-Ach wie flüchtig, ach wie nichtig
Ah, how fleeting, ah, how empty
Is the life of mortals!
As a mist which quickly riseth
And again as quickly passeth,
Even thus our life is, witness!

  • 2ºMov.-So schnell ein rauschend Wasser schießt
As fast as rushing waters gush,
So hasten on our days of living.
The time doth pass, the hours hasten,
Just as the raindrops quickly break up
When all to the abyss doth rush.

  • 3ºMov.-Die Freude wird zur Traurigkeit
Our joy will be to sadness turned,
Our beauty falleth like a flower,
The greatest strength will be made weak,
Transformed will be good fortune all in time,
Soon is the end of fame and honor,
What scholarship and what mankind contriveth
Will at the last the grave extinguish.

  • 4ºMov.-An irdische Schätze das Herze zu hängen
Upon earthly treasure the heart to be setting
Is but a seduction of our foolish world.
How easily formed are the holocaust's embers,
What thunder and power have waters in floodtime
Till all things collapse into ruin and fall.

  • 5ºMov.-Die höchste Herrlichkeit und Prach
The highest majesty and pomp
Are veiled at last by death's dark night.
Who almost as a god was honored
Escapes the dust and ashes not,
And when the final hour striketh
In which he to the earth is carried
And his own height's foundation falls,
Is he then quite forgotten.

  • 6ºMov.-Ach wie flüchtig, ach wie nichtig (2)
Ah, how fleeting, ah, how empty
Are all mortal matters!
All that, all that which we look at,
That must fall at last and vanish.
Who fears God shall stand forever.

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